Am I Psychic?

To answer that question we have created a test where you can find out if you have clairvoyant abilities.

Below you will find 5 different symbols: Yin and Yang, a dove, a cross, a moon, and the letter Phi. Which of these elements is hiding under the covered card? Try to focus and see which symbol is under the card. Make your guess and keep score of how many you get right. You may draw a total of 10 times (of course, you may try multiple attempts). Remember to be honest with yourself.

Click on the icon that you think is hidden behind the face-down card.
Each time, the images are placed randomly. Simply click on the corresponding icon. The more symbols you correctly choose in advance, the stronger your skills are as a clairvoyant.

After 10 clicks, you will see the result. You can repeat as often as you want to try the test. Good luck!

Are you clairvoyant?

Clairvoyance is the art of "seeing" beyond the five senses. Clairvoyance is also called the "sixth sense", ESP, psychic powers, or even second sight. It comes from the French "clair", meaning "clear", and "voyance", meaning "vision". If one possesses clairvoyance, they have the ability to sense things before they appear: sights, sounds, visions, and even smells. Some with the gift of clairvoyance converse with spirits from the dead or reach back in history and watch an event they couldn't have possibly seen without this gift.


Esme - 2015-03-12 12:24:14
Do you see my thoughts as coming through in a negative manner. If not, am I right in feeling that I could be fortunate to be meeting lovely friends both male and female at groups I attend and maybe one of the men in the group could be interested in me?
Lucinda - 2015-07-18 10:50:44
it was a tricky one
Sulienid - 2015-07-31 09:31:06
I Was Just Clicking Randomly , But The 3rd Time I Focused And Used This Thing I Do, I Close My Eyes And I Saw a Cross I Made Sure And I Opened My Eyes And clicked the cross, And I got it Right
kaylin - 2015-11-02 16:43:28
i did a experiment with this and i seem to get 40% or more right when im alone but if im with people its 25% or less. i think clairvoyance can be influenced by the environment that your in
Tanya Chavez Gonzalez - 2016-07-19 17:27:14
Got it on the first try.
AK - 2022-06-01 10:35:32

Total 6 posts

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